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Games on Tuesday, October 15, 2024

No Games Scheduled For Today

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 9:14:08 PM
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 10:03:47 AM

All registered teams should have received a link to your online roster after entering your team.  This form will be used as your official team roster, for all individual coach and player waivers (Liability, Lindsay's Law and Concussion) and to make individual team payments.  If you need to have this link resent, please email the office - soccerfirst@sportsohio.org.  All players (including subs) and coaches should be listed on the roster in order to sign the waiver(s).  Just add subs/coaches with $0.00 to pay in order to have them sign the waivers only.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020 9:55:28 AM

Soccer First Indoor Leagues COVID-19 Protocols

All policies are subject to change as we receive additional guidance from Governor Dewine’s office, the Ohio Department of Health and/or the Franklin County Board of Health.


Customers and Guests

·         Spectators will be limited for all indoor games/activities.  Youth players and class participants are limited to ONE family member/spectator.  Additional family members will not be allowed to enter the venue.

·         Youth teams are limited to 2 coaches on the bench. 

·         Adult league participants should not bring spectators.

·         Hand sanitizer units will be installed in high-traffic locations throughout the facility.

·         Guests are asked not to enter the facility if they are symptomatic.  A list of symptoms is posted on the front doors.  All players must conduct daily symptom assessments before each game.

·         Field assignments and an entry/exit diagram will be posted online to reduce congestion inside the building and assist with social distancing.

·         Games will be staggered by 15 minutes between each field to reduce player traffic.

·         Players are asked not to arrive more than 10 minutes before their scheduled activity.

·         In compliance with the City of Dublin's mandate that went into effect July 6, all individuals 6 years of age or older must wear facial coverings when indoors.  

·         Players shall wear masks when entering/exiting the facility and when on the bench.  Players are permitted to wear masks on the field, but they are not required to wear them while actively playing. 

·         Coaches or team administrators are asked to record which players are in attendance in the event contact tracing is needed.

·         All payments and rosters must be completed online using the roster/waiver link received by the coach or team captain.  If you did not receive one, please call or email the facility to have it resent. 

·         Players cannot share water bottles.  It is recommended that every player label their water bottles clearly.

·         Spitting on the field will result in an immediate ejection and minimum 2 game suspension. 

·         Concessions will be open during the indoor season.  Seating will be limited in order to adhere to social distance guidelines.  Additional seating will be available in the front room and the picnic area next to Field B.  Alcohol sales will end at 10pm, in accordance with the Ohio Liquor Control Commission rules.

·         Bench players should attempt to keep 6’ apart at all times.  Players on Fields 1 and 2 may use the hall next to the team bench in order to spread out.


·         Social distancing should be adhered to at all times (i.e. No huddles, high fives, etc.)

·         Customers not complying with any of these protocols may be asked to leave the facility/grounds.

Physical Spaces / Equipment

·         Social distancing reminders, hand-washing reminders, and other signage has been posted throughout the facility.

·         All vending machines will be available and will be cleaned on a regular basis.  Water fountains will be closed.  Bottle filling stations next to Fields 1 and 2 will be open.

·         The facility will be deep cleaned daily.  Restrooms will be cleaned regularly during each day.

·         If weather permits, the front doors will remain open to minimize contact.  Fans will be running to increase circulation of outside air.

·         There will be predetermined entrances and exits to the building.  These doors will be marked accordingly.  Please abide by the posted entrance and exit signs inside the facility. 

·         We will not operate a lost and found for the immediate future.  Please take care to not leave any valuables behind.

·         All teams must bring their own equipment, including items such as balls and water bottles.  We recommend teams bring two shirt colors.  Scrimmage vests will not be provided.

·         Game balls will be sanitized before each game, at halftime and at the end of each game. 


Picture of the Day