Team - Crimson Crew
Spring Indoor 2016 Coed 0pen Fern Standings
  GP  W  L  T  PTS  GF  GA  GD Calendar Sync
Tropic Thunder 751116472819
Crimson Crew 74121438335
Sparkling Pixies 74301244368
Chafing the Dream 74301242357
Hangover SC 73311037334
Chicharitos 73311033312
Dancing Burritos 715143250-18
Whole Lotta Nothin' 716032956-27
Crimson Crew's Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
dom-abr 10   Crimson Crew 4 - 3 Chafing the Dream Complete _ Regular 
dom-abr 17   Dancing Burritos 8 - 8 Crimson Crew Complete _ Regular 
dom-abr 24   Crimson Crew 0 - 9 Tropic Thunder Complete _ Regular 
dom-may 1   Whole Lotta Nothin' 2 - 10 Crimson Crew Complete _ Regular 
dom-may 8   Crimson Crew 2 - 2 Hangover SC Complete _ Regular 
dom-may 15   Chicharitos 6 - 7 Crimson Crew Complete _ Regular 
dom-may 22   Sparkling Pixies 3 - 7 Crimson Crew Complete _ Regular